What We Do

The business landscape is forever changed. The trends of digital disruption, and increased competition and pace of change have been accelerated by Covid19. These external changes require that every organization assess two key internal issues of organizational readiness:

1. The need for business model Innovation
2. Skill and capability gaps of key executives

The most important of these two is the second – because it is the executive team that needs to develop and implement the business model changes that the current business environment demands.

HillsScape Consulting specializes in helping companies solve these challenges by offering strategic consulting and coaching and development for C-level executives and executive teams to allow them to be more successful in meeting these challenges. Coaching plans are customized, but can include:

• Assessment of skill and capability gaps
• 360-degree assessments
• Creation of development plans to close identified gaps
• Ongoing leadership development
• Application of mindfulness training, if appropriate